Congressman Wants Consumers to Have Personal Information Take-Down Right

TechLaw: Congressman Wants Consumers to Have Personal Information Take-Down Right:

There is a lot that can be said about this legislation, none of it positive, except for the fact that there is little chance it will be enacted into law. Nobody in Washington is talking about giving individuals this level of control over their personal information. The FTC is worried about consumers' lack of understanding about what is being done with their personal information and their inability to exert meaningful control over that. Businesses would like lawmakers to focus on personal information misuse and let the marketplace decide how much information collection and processing is desirable. (This is how Washington solved the Great Anti-Spyware Scare: it legislated against the really bad stuff, but gave business free rein for everything else that's not deceptive or criminal.) Nobody is talking about giving consumers a quasi take-down right.



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